About Us

Who is Musculoskeletal Health Australia?

Musculoskeletal Health Australia (MHA) has been supporting people with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions for over 50 years.

MHA was founded in 1968, when Dr Leslie Koadlow, a passionate rheumatologist decided more needed to be done to support people living with these conditions. Newly diagnosed patients kept coming to his clinic totally overwhelmed, isolated and confused about what their diagnosis meant and how they could live well.

A firm believer in the benefit of ‘real people helping real people’, he set up what is today known as Musculoskeletal Health Australia with his secretary Alice Petty and patient Mollie Riches. MHA became a place for people living with musculoskeletal conditions to get informed and get supported.

Fifty years later we’re still helping people with information and support. We’re here to help you!

Our Impact

"As someone who was diagnosed with arthritis at a young age, I know firsthand how important it is to break the stigma around musculoskeletal conditions."


I hope sharing my story can inspire others living with similar conditions to keep looking forward and making the most of every moment.


Chronic pain and exhaustion are the most debilitating factors. I have some mobility issues that flare and have had to give up activities I loved.


Get to know your body and what you can handle, find people in similar situations and ask them as many questions as you can, and then be that person for someone else. We are all in this together and shouldn’t feel alone! 


Through MHA I have met other people like me, people who have had their conditions from a young age, who know exactly what it feels like to wake up every morning not knowing how much pain you’ll be in...


As an eleven-year-old, I was diagnosed with slipped capital femoral epiphysis....but my journey didn't stop there....from cricket, to sports massage to advocacy...
