Frequently Asked Questions
What is chair-based exercise?
Chair-based exercise involves performing workouts while sitting in a chair, focusing on strength, flexibility, and cardio movements.
What do I need to start the workouts?
All you need is a chair with four sturdy legs and preferrably no arm-rests. You will also need to ensure your chair is placed on a flat, stable surface with enough space to stretch your arms and legs forwards, to the sides and backwards without touching anything or anyone!
How often should I do chair-based exercise?
Due to the low-impact nature, seated exercise can be performed regularly. Always obtain clearance from your healthcare professional before beginning the program.
How long should a chair-based workout last?
Chair-based workouts can vary in length. Beginners might start with 5-10 minutes, while more experienced participants can do 20-30 minute sessions. Listen to your body and progress at your own pace.
Do I need fitness experience to participate in chair-based exercise?
No experience is necessary! Seated exercises are beginner-friendly and can be adapted to all fitness levels.
Who can benefit from chair-based exercise?
Chair-based exercise is suitable for EVERYONE!
How do I choose the right workout program for my fitness level?
We have workouts categorised by duration and intensity. Start with our 'Fit Freshies' for beginner sessions or choose based on your current fitness level. Each category builds progressively, allowing you to advance at your own pace.
What do I do if I feel pain when completing the chair-based exercises?
Immediately stop and discuss with your health care professional about a safe way to continue with chair-based exercise.
Can I modify chair-based exercises if they feel too challenging?
Absolutely! You can adjust the speed, reduce the range of motion, or omit certain movements. It's important to listen to your body and avoid any discomfort.